Hey everybody. It’s me again, your favorite French bulldog and creative director Otto from Otto von Berlin. It’s finally summer season, although the Berlin weather isn’t really showing its nicer side, and I am slowly starting to feel a wanderlust mood. Therefore, my owner Gregor Drobnic and I were starting to plan our summer holiday together – exploring some architectural sites of the Balkans. But before that, our friends from Design Your Home were calling us for a very urgent project: a furniture photo editorial with nobody less than my handsome self. Looks like those countless hours of steeling my beach body at Hasenheide finally paid off!

On a Thursday afternoon, we went to the headquarters of Design Your Home close to the famous Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. Everything was arranged: a private driver (thank you, Gregor), my personal assistant (you did a great job, uncle Aleks) and lots of groupies to pump up my mood for the shoot. I love my fans at Design Your Home. As soon as I walk through that door everybody craves for my attention. I mean, how could they now; everybody wants to be Otto von Berlin.
However, I wasn’t the only center of attention that day. Out of a huge box they pulled out this amazing beanbag by Roomox. I would have been happy with the box itself, I am sure it suits just my regular comfort standards. But I would have never guessed how comfortable this piece of furniture is. I sunk in immediately into a world of pure comfort and let the stress of everyday life melt away immediately. It’s a tough doggy world out there, so my paws need something comfortable that adapts perfectly to the shape of my body. What a relaxing experience. Gregor! You’d better get me one of those in XXL; ASAP!

Ahhh, what a relief it is to be laying on this bean bag, filled with so-called EPS cylinders, which adjust to my body, support my back and relieve the pressure on my spine. I did not want to get out of here and yet they dared to command me around, asking to strike more poses and give them more face. It’s tougher being a model than expected. We had to change locations multiple times and luckily transporting the beanbag wasn’t that difficult.
For its size it’s not that heavy (at least I’ve heard my personal assistant say so) and its material allows using it for any space – indoor or outdoor. Very practical.

Although it was quite exhausting to pose for all my fans at Design Your Home, I feel very relaxed after the editorial, thanks to the Roomox beanbag. I really hope you are happy with the outcome of my shooting and I can’t wait to participate in more editorials for you, my fans. I am off to some vacation now – need to be exploring some more design trends from Eastern Europe and gather some inspiration for our future interior designs. I will keep you posted, do not worry.
Till we hear again.
Yours Otto, von Berlin.